Oct 8, 2023 | Featured Articles

Use of solar power, innovative recruitment initiatives, developing tourism and education, ensuring effective cross-sector collaboration, assisting with accommodation needs and displaying good practice in the roll-out of a digital strategy all featured as part of a showcase of local authority innovation at this year’s Good Practice in Local Government Seminar.

Projects from local authories across Cork, Dublin, Galway, Kerry, Longford and Wicklow, in addition to the Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) were showcased at the sixth Good Practice in Local Government Seminar at the iconic Kilkenny Castle recently.

Several highly impressive projects to improve local authority services were presented at the seminar on 26 October, hosted by the National Oversight and Audit Commission (NOAC). The sixth annual seminar, organised by NOAC in collaboration with the LGMA and the County and City Management Association, presented a range of local authority innovations across numerous areas such as renewable technology, building on crisis management, recruitment, education, tourism, strategy development and accommodation assistance for vulnerable persons.

Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD, noted “initiative, innovation and hard work of local authorities” during his address at the launch. He also acknowledged the vital role of the NOAC Board in providing independent oversight of the local government sector.

“The variety and calibre of projects showcased today really brings the work of our local authorities to life and shows the positive impact being made across the country through our local government colleagues. The projects also show the importance of local action and co-ordination on topics as diverse as housing, education and climate change and the leadership of our local authorities as the driving force behind so much good work.”

The hybrid event, held both in-person and virtually in Kilkenny Castle, took place as part of the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform’s Public Service Transformation Week 2023. The event was attended by chief executives and senior officials from the local authorities within Ireland.

The showcase provided an opportunity for local government to demonstrate good practice within the sector and gave a platform to share innovative projects that could be replicated across Ireland.

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