Oct 10, 2023 | Featured Articles

At the presentation of the President’s Award to Limerick City & County Council (l-r): Vincent Murray, Limerick’s Director of Planning, Environment and Placemaking; Kieran O’Donnell TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning; Mary Mac Mahon, IPI President; Maria Woods, Senior Planner; Siobhan O’Dwyer, Executive Planner; Karen Burke, Senior Executive Planner, and Cllr Dan McSweeney, Limerick’s Deputy Mayor.

The eight category winners of the 2023 IPI Planning Awards, including the President’s Award which was won by Limerick City and Council, showcased the diverse range of projects taking place at local, county and regional levels throughout Ireland during the gala awards ceremony in Dublin at the end of September.

Limerick City and Council’s ‘Young Person Participation in Land Use Planning’ project, which won the IPI President’s Award, served to highlight examples of excellent public participation and best practice in planning. Limerick’s project formulated, trailed and implemented a school consultation programme to engage young people in the preparation of the development plan and local area plan processes.

The President’s Award was presented by Kieran O’Donnell TD, Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning, and IPI President Mary Mac Mahon, at the Planning Awards 2023 ceremony on 28 September in Dublin’s Clontarf Castle.

According to IPI President Mary Mac Mahon the awards serve as a testament to the invaluable role of planning in Irish society. “They celebrate our diverse, dynamic, and sustainable projects, showcasing the positive impact of planning on our communities.” She said that it has been her privilege as IPI President to elevate the profile of planning and to honour the achievements, diversity, and potential within the sector, with entries spanning the island and all category winners exemplifying excellence.

A total of 24 entries were recognised out of the 48 nominees submitted, which included organisations in both the public and private sectors from Dublin, Kildare, Limerick, Cork, Antrim, Tipperary, Meath, Clare, Louth, Galway, Offaly and Donegal.

This year’s judging panel comprised Mary Mac Mahon MIPI (IPI President), Charlotte Sheridan MIPI (RIAI President), Henk van der Kamp FIPI (Secretary General of the ECTP-CEU – the umbrella organisation for spatial planning institutes in Europe and past president of the IPI), Terry Prendergast MIPI (former board member of An Bord Pleanála) and John O’Hara MIPI (former Dublin City Council Planning Officer).

The Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage was the main awards sponsor, in addition to Wave Dynamics Acoustic Consultants and Uisce Éireann. The individual categories of Climate Action and Biodiversity and Research and Innovation were sponsored by FuturEnergy Ireland and the Office of the Planning Regulator respectively.


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