Apr 20, 2024 | Nationwide News

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, in collaboration with Limerick City and County Council, has launched a public information campaign to inform people of Limerick about the new role of Directly Elected Mayor.

On 7 June the people of Limerick City and County will have the opportunity to take part in Ireland’s first ever vote for a directly elected mayor and the campaign highlights the role and responsibilities which come with this new office. The election will be held alongside the Local and European Elections on the same date.

Advertisements – including local print, media and outdoor as well as digital and social media – throughout Limerick aim to inform people that they have an opportunity to make history this June and to raise awareness of the new role of mayor.

Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government Alan Dillon TD explained: “The people of Limerick will make history by becoming the first voters in Ireland to directly elect a mayor for their city and county. As this is a new type of Mayor, we want everyone in Limerick to be aware of what they will be voting for in June.”

Limerick City and County Council CEO, Dr Pat Daly added: “Already there is some anticipation and discussion in Limerick about the directly elected mayor, but we want to ensure that everyone has enough information regarding the new office. As well as working with the Department on this advertising campaign, the council will also facilitate local information events.”

The election will be held alongside the Local and European Elections on 7 June and the new mayor will be in office for a five-year term. In 2019, the people of Limerick voted to have a Directly Elected Mayor. The legislation to enable this was signed into law on 6 March 2024.

Read Dr Brid Quinn’s insights on the role of the Directly Elected Mayor for Limerick