Tag: Irish Planning Institute
📣 Exciting news. Our 9th Annual Public Lecture Series will take place @UCC on Wednesday 20 November, under the heading 'Transforming Local Government: From Vision to Action'. Details of speakers etc to follow. @DeptHousingIRL @AILGIRE @LocalGovIre @CouncilReviews @CCMALocalGov
New local authority website a ‘game changer’ for public access of services via @localgovire
IRELAND’S FIRST MAYORAL ELECTION – VOTER BEHAVIOUR SURVEYED @UL @POLITICSUL @ElecCommIRL @theresareidy @jfjohnston @moranjohna1 @LimerickCouncil @Limerick_ie @Limerick_Leader @Limerick_ie @limerickpost #DemocracyInAction #Voters
NEW ALLIANCE CALLS FOR 40% GENDER QUOTAS IN LOCAL ELECTIONS @SeeHerElected @NWCI @MaynoothUni @UCC @women4election @ILMIreland @NTWFIRL @WCI_Limerick @AkiDwA #womenequalityday #localelections #GenderInequality