Brendan Mooney, Acting Assistant Director of the Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA) outlines the Assembly’s current projects, and provides a specific focus on NWRA’s role as the managing authority for the €217m ERDF Regional Programme 2021-2027 for the Northern & Western Region of Ireland.
The Northern and Western Regional Assembly (NWRA) is the managing authority for the Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027 – the €217m investment strategy for the NW region co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the EU.
This is one of two ERDF programmes which set out Ireland’s investment strategy for €853m, of which €396m is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The ERDF supports Irish regions in promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion in line with key EU priorities.
The programme is designed to enable the Northern and Western Region to further develop the regional economy by supporting targeted measures to address strategic regional challenges. This will be achieved by funding schemes aimed at the development and enhancement of research and innovation capacities; assisting SMEs; the promotion of a low-carbon economy and facilitating the digital transformation. These are the type of key targeted investments that will make a real difference to quality jobs, inclusive growth and regional development.
The designed Regional Programme has encompassed two public consultations, extensive analyses of the country specific report, engagement with the European Commission and Irish Government Departments, with the regional needs as highlighted in the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy always to the fore.
The NWRA is intent on adopting international best practice in planning and development to create BETTER PLACES. Underpinning this approach is the commitment to enhancing COMPETITIVENESS through policies that build resilience and sustainability, working with our stakeholders to utilise EU and Exchequer funding, NWRA believes this can only be achieved through a dedicated and principled approach to COLLABORATION.