Oct 15, 2023 | Nationwide News

Clare County Council’s new six-year Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2023-2029 will consider the future development of the Banner County from the perspectives of the community and the economy.

The new LECP aims to meet the needs of individuals, groups and organisations by developing community infrastructure, programmes and services. From an economic perspective the plan will provide a framework to guide local economic growth and stability in specific geographical areas through retaining and attracting new business, creating employment, and supporting people to start their own businesses and social enterprises.

Cllr Tony O’Brien, Cathaoirleach of Clare County Council, highlighted the importance for local communities having a plan for their future development that includes strategies for promoting economic growth, creating jobs, making communities more resilient and sustainable, and improving the quality of life for residents.

Pat Dowling, Chief Executive of Clare County Council, said that the input from all stakeholders with a keen interest in developing a vision for Clare and how it can be achieved will be a valuable resource in shaping the aims, objectives and principles of the LECP.

“The previous plan contained strategic actions which have been pursued with considerable success in the intervening six years. These included developing existing enterprise centres and incubation space for micro-enterprises across Clare, protecting sites of built heritage and historic importance to the benefit of communities, implementing a pro-active tourism strategy, supporting sustainable transport initiatives, developing a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, and supporting place-making initiatives that enhance the county’s towns, villages and rural communities,” he stated.


For further details on the Socio-Economic Statement and LECP 2023-2029 visit