Sep 2, 2024 | Nationwide News

The Housing First Europe Hub Conference 2024, which will take place in Dublin Castle on Tuesday 19 and Wednesday 20 November, is being organised in conjunction with the Housing Agency and Focus Ireland.

Sam Tsembris – one of the headline speakers – is known for his pioneering work in developing the Housing First model. Dr Tsembris will share his insights and experiences, providing his perspectives on the new horizons of ‘Housing First’.

With the aim of fostering collaboration, this conference will bring together experts and practitioners to discuss and develop strategies for advancing the ‘Housing First’ model across Europe. Delegates will have the opportunity to participate across a range of sessions, including plenary talks, workshops and site visits.

Topics such as facilitating engagement between Housing First and other sectors, addressing the needs of specific populations and innovative practices in Housing First will be on the conference agenda for discussion.

Click here for more information and to register for the conference.

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